So now you have wakened from the slumber.  You are aware that we need to make Changes, to Do Something, what is it?

1-Admit that you have been living incorrectly and devote your life to making new habits as well as abstain from and start closing doors to Temptation and things that are not Healthy for us. 

2-Start Working on the How to Make Spiritual Progress list.

3-Find or Start Building a Community of Conscious Brothers and Sisters by taking the Initiative and encouraging Group Gatherings to Trade and Barter belongings to alleviate financial strain. 

4-Put in a request for a page here for your City where Spiritual Entrepeneurs can advertise.  Create Social Media groups for Self Betterment.  It is time to step out of our comfort zone and make great changes.  You can do it!

5-Take a Spiritual Path Quiz to see what areas you are drawn to, to have a focus.  Becoming Healthy is replacing Unhealthy Habits with new, Healthy options.  The sooner you know what you want, the sooner you can replace bad habits.  When you know where to turn your Time and Energy, you succeed much more easily and faster.

6-This is Survival of the Fittest-It is time to acquire as many skills as possible.  We are not meant to stick to one thing, we are meant to experience everything healthy.  The more skills you have, the more valuable you are.  

7-Lead by Example.  Humans follow what they see.  We should surround our Self with those that are Inspiring and if we can not, then we need to be that person for others. 

8-Start trading all belongings collecting dust to minimize your things.  Trade for things that you want to learn.  Trading second hand items makes things available regardless of financial ability.  

9-Trade when possible.  

10-Seek someone to Guide you.  Remember, everyone is human, take the good parts and let go of the rest.  Ensure that you are aligned with Light workers and people with Integrity or you will be misled. 

11-Consider working for your Self, teaching others your skills or how you have overcome your own Pain and Suffering.  When we overcome trauma or addiction, we become extremely valuable to those still suffering.   Overcoming our Struggles has the ability to Save others and provides means to survive. 

12-Remember this is a 24-7 Job, to purify our Mind, Body and Spirit.  Do the best that you can and forgive your Self and others. 
